094. DIY stud earring jewelry box

20140805-133750-49070194.jpg I’m a big fan of crafts whenever I’ve got the time for them. When I was a kid, my grandfather and I would spend hours making friendship bracelets, sewing pillows or clothes for stuffed animals, or painting birdhouses. Crafting with him is one of my favorite memories. And we still have some of those old craft projects!

Anyway, I realized that I needed a decent way to store my growing collection of stud earrings. Rather than buy an overpriced one, I decided to Pinterest it and see what DIY I could find. This box trick was super easy and lots of fun. All you need is a wooden box (or whatever you want to store it in), fabric, paint, and some styrofoam! I made two boxes that I purchased in a set at Michael’s- one is just painted (brown and gold) and the other has some modge podge work on the top and inside.
Materials + Tools
Wooden Box ($1.99-$3.99 at Michael’s)
Acrylic Paint ($0.69 at Michael’s)
Paintbrushes/Spongebrushes ($4.00 set at Michael’s)
Styrofoam ($3-$4 at Michael’s)
Fabric (I used old clothes I had lying around)
Modge Podge (optional)
Decorative Paper (optional)


Paint your box however you like with the acrylics. If you want to add a paper modge podge, do so after you’ve painted the whole thing. Cut out the design you want to the appropriate size, and apply the modge podge to the back of the paper and the surface you want to put it on. Try to get an even, thin layer so it doesn’t bubble up. Let this dry for at least 15 minutes, 30 if you can.

While that dries, measure and cut out your styrofoam so that it fits into your box. I used a serrated kitchen knife, but it was still kinda messy and hard to cut, so be careful. Cut out enough fabric to cover just the top and sides of the styrofoam block. Tape it down, making sure the fabric is taut over the styrofoam block.

When everything is dry, push the block into the box until it fits nice and snug. Then, just take your stud earrings and push them into the box like pushpins into a cork-board! Voila! A beautiful, handmade and super efficient storage for all your little studs.

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